
Parental Consent Form

Parental Consent Form

Please note that the student will not be able to start the course until the form is received by the school.

Data protection
We promise to keep this information secure and will only give it to people who are directly involved in caring for your child on a need to know basis during the time when they are enrolled at the school, this may include healthcare and welfare professionals.

We will not pass on any details to 3rd parties to be used in marketing.

Child's Information

Parent Or Legal Guardian Information

Please note that emergency telephone numbers should be available for contact 24 hours a day.
Relationship to child

Medical And Welfare Information

Please tell us about any problems. If we are not told in advance about a physical or mental condition, we reserve the right to terminate the student’s course.

Please tell us about any problems. If we are not told in advance about a physical or mental condition, we
reserve the right to terminate the student’s course.

Parental Consent To Travel

Parental Consent For Activities

  • 12 years and under- not allowed out unless accompanied by an authorised adult
  • 13-14 years old: must be in a group and home by 21.00 (unless taking part in a school-organised activity)
  • 15 and 16 years old: must go out in pairs/group and be home by 22.00
  • 17 years old: must be home by 22.00

NOTE: If in homestay and the host requests an earlier curfew then this must be followed.

Group leaders may also request earlier coming home times.


Curfew Times

  • 12 years and under- not allowed out unless accompanied by an authorised adult
  • 13-14 years old: must be in a group and home by 21.00 (unless taking part in a school-organised activity)
  • 15 and 16 years old: must go out in pairs/group and be home by 22.00
  • 17 years old: must be home by 22.00

NOTE: If in homestay and the host requests an earlier curfew then this must be followed.

Group leaders may also request earlier coming home times.

Photographs And Video Clips


Agreement to abide by UK laws

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