
ICT Policy

This policy is to state key principles for staff with respect to the use of ICT-based technologies.

We will:

  • safeguard and protect under 18’s;
  • assist school staff working with students to work safely and responsibly with the Internet and other communication technologies and to monitor their own standards and set clear expectations of behaviour and/or codes of conduct relevant to responsible use of the Internet for educational, personal or recreational use;
  • have clear structures to deal with online abuse such as bullying;
  • ensure that all members of the school community are aware that unlawful or unsafe behaviour is unacceptable and that, where appropriate, disciplinary or legal action will be taken.

Advice For Students

We recommend that students follow this advice when using computers:

  • Understand acceptable behaviour when using an online environment. For example, be polite, don’t use bad or abusive language or other inappropriate behaviour; keep personal information private;
  • Understand how photographs can be manipulated and how web content can attract the wrong sort of attention;
  • Be aware that online ‘friends’ may not be who they say they are and be careful in online environments;
  • Do not post or share detailed accounts of your personal life, contact information, daily routines, location, photographs and videos without turning on privacy settings;
  • Do not post pictures or videos of others without their permission
    Report any abuse including cyber-bullying to your leaders or the school and seek help if you experience problems when using the internet and related technologies;
  • Do not add any adults you may meet in the school to your social networking sites, take their email addresses or give out your own. Do not accept invitations from strangers.

If you would like to read our full, detailed ICT policy & procedures document, please contact us at info@anglotec.com.

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