
Important Information For School Groups And Under 18s

Care Of Under 18s

Anglotec Academy provides advice, procedures and a Safeguarding Policy to ensure the safety and well-being of students who are under 18 years old. Anglotec Academy will request a signed parental consent form for all students under 18 years old.

Rules For Under 18s

Curfew Times
Students at AAnglotec Academy must return to their homestay host by a given time and no later. All students under 18 years old must comply with Anglotec Academy’s curfew times.

Curfew Time
Other Information
17 years old
All students who are 17 years old can go out unsupervised but they must tell their group leaders and homestay hosts where they are at all times.
15 – 16 years old
All students who are 15- 16 years old can go out in pairs or groups unsupervised but they must tell their group leaders and homestay hosts where they are at all times.
13 – 14 years old
13 – 14 year olds must go out in groups and they must tell their group leaders and homestay hosts where they are at all times. They must be home by 21.00 (unless taking part in a school-organised activity)
12 years old and under
Under 12s are not allowed out if unaccompanied by an authorised adult.

Lessons & Social Activities
All members of school groups and students under 18 years old will receive a timetable on their first morning. This will show lesson times and activities. Lessons and activities are COMPULSORY. All students who are under 18 must attend classes and join the social activity programme as part of their course. If you are unaccompanied and aged 16-17, we will also check on your social activities outside the scheduled programme.

School Rules

  • All students must arrive on time for lessons. All classes start on time and students who arrive up to 10 minutes late may join the class with the teacher’s permission. Anyone arriving more than 10 minutes late may be asked not to join the class and the group leader must supervise them until after the next coffee break. Latecomers should not interrupt the lesson for those who arrive on time.
  • Students must come to class with their own pencils, pens and writing paper/pads/notebooks;
  • Homework should be done as requested by the teacher. Students should come to class ready to actively join in with all parts of the lesson.
  • No eating, drinking or chewing of gum is allowed during lessons or in the computer room at any time. The drinking of alcohol is not permitted.
  • Students are not allowed to use mobile phones or listen to music in class. Phones should be switched off before the lesson begins. If an urgent call has to be made the student should ask for the teachers’ permission to leave the class;
  • All classes and the school grounds, including the garden, must be kept clean and tidy. Litter should be put in the bins provided. No students should eat, smoke, sit, or stand in or around property in nearby streets. Respect must be shown to Anglotec Academy’s neighbours.
  • Smoking is not permitted in the school building or grounds;
  • Ball games are not permitted in the school building or grounds;
  • Any student who causes damage to property – either the schools’, teachers’ or another student’s – will be required to cover the costs of the damage;
  • Valuables such as cash, credit cards, electronic equipment or jewellery must not be left in class unattended. Please keep your valuables with you at all times. Anglotec Academy will take no responsibility for theft of or damage to valuables left in classes;
  • Students are not permitted to change or enter classes without consultation and permission. If a student wishes to change a class they should discuss the matter with their teacher, who will inform the Academic Manager;
  • No recording of lessons is permitted unless previously agreed with the school management;
  • English is the only language that should be spoken in lessons. It is unfair to force other student to listen to your first language if they have come to Anglotec Academy to learn English;
  • Computers located in classrooms are for teachers’ use only;
  • Please inform your teachers and Welfare/Reception staff about planned or foreseen absences.
  • Policy on abusive behaviour: Students are not permitted to use offensive, aggressive, intimidating, or indecent behaviour and language. In the event of a problem occurring, the will ask the student to leave the class. In serious cases the school management may decide to remove the student from the school or report the matter to the police. Everyone in the school (students, teachers, admin staff) is to be treated with respect and politeness. You may also be excluded for theft; vandalism or damage to property; use of illegal drugs; smoking or using alcohol on the premises or off premises if under age; repeated unauthorised absence or lateness; or repeated or serious breach of rules relating to accommodation.

General Advice For Under 18s

Make sure your mobile phone is always fully charged and you have the school numbers saved in your phone.
Emergency school contact numbers: +44 7435134046 or +44 7387222310
Make sure we have your mobile number

  • Do not carry a large amount of cash with you and do not display expensive possessions (jewellery, phones, computers). It is a good idea to keep some change in a separate pocket so that if you forget or lose your bag, you still have some money to get home.
  • You don’t need to carry your passport or national ID with you, it would be better to carry your student card or other forms of ID. We can look after your ID.
  • It is illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to buy alcohol or cigarettes. It is also illegal to buy them on behalf of other under 18s. Drugs are illegal and may cause you to be in serious trouble and anyone caught using drugs will be reported to the police.
  • You must take part in the supervised social programme provided by the school if you are under 16. If you are unaccompanied and aged 16-18, we will check on your social activities.
  • Don’t go out alone after dark. Always travel in pairs or in a group.
  • Scarborough is a safe town, but you still need to be careful.
  • Avoid certain areas like the beach at night, especially around the amusement arcades.
  • If you go out at night, make sure you are home by your curfew time.
  • Your host family must know what time to expect you home.
  • You should contact them if you think you are going to be late.
  • Make sure there is always someone that knows where you are going.
  • Please be aware that it is dangerous to go near the cliff edges, to swim outside the recommended areas at the beach and also to cross train lines.

  • If you find yourself in a situation you think is dangerous you can:

  • Phone for a taxi: NIPPY: +44 1723 377 377
  • Phone the emergency school contact numbers (above)
  • Phone 999 for Fire/Police/Ambulance in case of emergency

  • It is illegal for anyone under the age of 17 or without a driving licence to drive a car or motorcycle on a public road. Mopeds of less than 50cc can be driven by anyone over the age of 16. You must wear a crash helmet at all times, even if you are a passenger.

    Care should be taken with social media and the internet. It is best not to exchange such information with adults you meet in the school.

    If you have any worries or concerns, please speak to a member of staff you feel comfortable with. Our student
    counsellors are Alison Drew and Mags Hutchings.

    Safe Internet Use

    You are welcome to use the school computers in the computer room or the library and also the school’s WIFI. However, we ALL have an obligation to keep under 18s safe and for this reason we would ask that you please follow the rules below.

    Security and Privacy

  • Do not attempt to access information belonging to anyone else without permission
  • Do not post personal details of yourself or other people on social media
  • Do not post photos of others without their permission
  • Do not post photos of yourself or others in compromising positions
  • Do not arrange to meet strangers over the internet

  • Use of inappropriate material and software

  • Do not try to download offensive material or software from the internet
  • Do not try to access restricted websites
  • Do not send, share or access material that is abusive, racist, extremist, obscene or illegal
  • Understand that ‘sexting’ (indecent pictures of under 18s, including yourself) is illegal in the UK

  • Email

  • Use email sensibly
  • Do not use email to send or forward offensive or inappropriate material to people or
  • user-groups

  • School computers

  • Do not change the settings of any school computers
  • Do not have food or drink in the computer rooms

  • Mobile devices and laptops

  • Do not ‘share’ machines across the network due to the danger of viruses and malware
  • Do not download licensed software, music and video as this is illegal
  • Do not access any offensive or illegal material
  • Close (or secure with a password) any file sharing software on any networked computer belonging to you
  • Do not look at your mobile phone during lesson time unless asked to do so by a teacher

  • Wifi Access

  • Do not share the Wifi password with anyone outside of the school
  • Do not use the Wifi connection to cause any damage to the school network
  • Do not download any illegal or offensive material on the WiFi network
  • Group Leader Responsibilities

    All school group leaders receive a ‘Group Leaders Guide’ (booklet) and an induction on the first day. The ‘Group Leader’s Guide’ provides detailed information to help the group leader to ensure the happiness, safety and well-being of the group members. The main group leader responsibilities are to be the link beetween the members of the group and the school by:

    • Making sure the group follows all school rules, including curfews and attendance policies
    • Being available 24 hours a day for help with matters concerning members of the group and providing an up-to-date mobile number
    • Supervising all students under the age of 18 at all times when not in class or with the homestay host
    • Supervising all students under the age of 18 on Anglolang organised activities and excursions
    • Escorting any students under the age of 14 to and from the school
    • Escorting students to and from medical appointments and in cases of emergency
    • Updating Anglotec Academy on academic and welfare issues as they occur
    • Keeping a daily student attendance record and alerting the school of any absences IMMEDIATELY
    • Making sure that each member of the group has a Student card with the emergency contact number
    • Advising the students on Internet Safety and ensuring they understand our Safe Internet Use guidelines(see above)
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