Anglotec Academy provides advice, procedures and a Safeguarding Policy to ensure the safety and well-being of students who are under 18 years old. Anglotec Academy will request a signed parental consent form for all students under 18 years old.
Curfew Times
Students at AAnglotec Academy must return to their homestay host by a given time and no later. All students under 18 years old must comply with Anglotec Academy’s curfew times.
Lessons & Social Activities
All members of school groups and students under 18 years old will receive a timetable on their first morning. This will show lesson times and activities. Lessons and activities are COMPULSORY. All students who are under 18 must attend classes and join the social activity programme as part of their course. If you are unaccompanied and aged 16-17, we will also check on your social activities outside the scheduled programme.
School Rules
Make sure your mobile phone is always fully charged and you have the school numbers saved in your phone.
Emergency school contact numbers: +44 7435134046 or +44 7387222310
Make sure we have your mobile number
If you find yourself in a situation you think is dangerous you can:
It is illegal for anyone under the age of 17 or without a driving licence to drive a car or motorcycle on a public road. Mopeds of less than 50cc can be driven by anyone over the age of 16. You must wear a crash helmet at all times, even if you are a passenger.
Care should be taken with social media and the internet. It is best not to exchange such information with adults you meet in the school.
If you have any worries or concerns, please speak to a member of staff you feel comfortable with. Our student
counsellors are Alison Drew and Mags Hutchings.
Security and Privacy
Use of inappropriate material and software
School computers
Mobile devices and laptops
Wifi Access
All school group leaders receive a ‘Group Leaders Guide’ (booklet) and an induction on the first day. The ‘Group Leader’s Guide’ provides detailed information to help the group leader to ensure the happiness, safety and well-being of the group members. The main group leader responsibilities are to be the link beetween the members of the group and the school by: